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Reshaping Your Relationship with Customers in a Post-Pandemic World

The Global Pandemic upended the traditional types of relationships that businesses/brands have with their customers, whether you serve clients locally or globally; and whether you provide tangible products or intangible services. Dr. Wang & co-host Joey DiGangi analyze some of the innovative strategies employed by companies that emerged stronger as a result of this challenging period in world history.

They also discuss the most important lens through which to evaluate potential strategies in a post-Pandemic world: your brand. Your customers have new behaviors and expectations after more than a year of conducting meetings and making purchases exclusively online. Despite many parts of the world returning to a somewhat normal state, we advise our clients to rethink the ways in which you build relationships between your brand and your customers.

If you’d like help evaluating new business strategies to build a stronger digital footprint, visit our website connect with us today:


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